Budget Friendly Beetroot Cake

I have to share this recipe.
Things have not been easy in Beirut. But I have to do what I do.

Sharing joyful stuff does not reflect the current situation and I don’t intend to share posts where I’m all negative and nagging. I’ve been trying hard to share genuine content on my Instagram account; reflect what’s going on in the country, go against the general “resilience” mentality that we keep getting brainwashed into, and speak my mind.

Continue reading “Budget Friendly Beetroot Cake”

Lockdown Chocolate & Beetroot Cake

If you’re first-time visitor to my blog, this is where I keep sort of a journal to document what goes inside my brain and what is cooked in the kitchen.

In this time of instability –we’ve been living this in Lebanon since August/September 2019, don’t let anyone convince you the instability was caused by the October 17 Revolution. The movement was caused by the greed and constant incompetence and failures of the government and ever-reigning politicians– we are trying to find comfort in anything that reminded us of a good time, a good memory, a joyful moment, a pleasant smell, or a comforting flavor.
Everyone and their mother (literally) is making cinnamon rolls and banana bread and starting a sourdough starter. I am guilty of the last two. I had to… A boy needed his good loaf of bread so I started the starter on March 27, but only now I got a good loaf. I’ll leave that for a future post. But now, I MADE CAKE!!!

Beetroot cake cookin5m2 -A92A9026.jpg Continue reading “Lockdown Chocolate & Beetroot Cake”