Spiced Iced Tea


It is no question now that we now know how the government is dealing with the citizens of the country. After the 4th of August, we, or at least I, have removed the expectations bar all-together as I know we’re gonna find a new low (not to be confused with LAW) with every passing week.

It’s been almost 2 months since the explosion and no results from the investigation, no one detained, none of those who manage the Port are held accountable, NOTHING but a rising number of victims from those dying due to their injuries and complications.

Continue reading “Spiced Iced Tea”

Red Wine Hot Chocolate and Gratitude

I love new beginning. The thrill of an exciting adventure you know nothing about.

There’s always a challenge we’re trying to finish if you look at it this way. Ever since I graduated, I didn’t find the 8-to-5 job to be satisfying, and it’s as if I felt that I will not be 100% interested and entirely immersed in the challenges the jobs offer. And that’s when I created my first blog, a variety blog before moving into a cooking-only blog three and a half years ago and going into foods lately.


I have accepted life’s challenges with a smile. Not a direct one, but with a positive attitude that reminds me of character in an old Lebanese series. She always wore a smile on her face despite having a troubled collapsing family. The line she always repeated was “It will be good eventually”. And that’s something I like to live by. It will be good eventually. Continue reading “Red Wine Hot Chocolate and Gratitude”

Green Tea Blueberry Ice Tea

Green tea blueberry ice tea recipe - cookin5m2 -2

I am all about natural local ingredients. If you’ve followed my blog long enough, you would have known that already. This season’s fruits range from luscious strawberries that are almost out of season now, to mulberries that are starting to ripen now, watermelons, cherries, and so many stone fruits that overflow in produce shops. I’m trying to make use of all the fruits I can get my hands on, but sometimes there isn’t enough time.

I have always dreamt of getting blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries. All these berries that I see in recipes from international bloggers. But I am always bummed whenever I pass by the produce isle in the supermarket and find the box of sad, almost raisin-like blueberries sitting in a clear plastic tray waiting for their final destination at the dumpster because no one would buy a 50 gram box for 7 dollars. Luckily, I found a local producer who has started growing his own berries and presenting them to the Lebanese market.

Photo from TootBerry website Continue reading “Green Tea Blueberry Ice Tea”

Use Leftover Apple Peel and Cores, Make Apple Syrup

As I was making apple pies (yes, pies), I realized I’m leaving behind almost 10% of each apple in core and peel. I had to use it in some way.

Apple Syrup Recipe - Cookin5m2-1

After searching and trying a recipe, I found a good use for the leftovers of apples. Continue reading “Use Leftover Apple Peel and Cores, Make Apple Syrup”