Sausage Shakshouka with Anchovies and Capers

This is not my first shakshouka recipe. It is said, once you make it, you’ll keep making it all the time. I am not an exception to the rule!
Rarely do I repeat the same dish exactly to the point. It has to be different in something. And this time won’t be any different.

PIN-Shakshouka with sausage and capers recipe cookin5m2-0542-2

My love for shakshouka is real. A real love story. Or in the terms of food writers; it is a perfect marriage of ingredients and flavors. Jokes aside, it is. If you haven’t tried it at least once, you’re missing out. Continue reading “Sausage Shakshouka with Anchovies and Capers”

Zalabye; Fried Dough for Epiphany

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Some serious social media suicidal thoughts were spinning around my head.

I have neglected my social media accounts to a point that they might have died. I tried reviving my Instagram account. But still, I have reached a point where I do activities that I don’t want to share online. I meet people and rather not post a photo of us together.
Is this growth? Is this growing weary of social media? Is it social media suicide?

It is equivalent to leaving the big city and escaping to the mountains and seeing no one, sitting in between of beautiful high trees and waking up to the sound of roosters calling the sun to climb up from its slumber. It isn’t that bad if you think about it.

But for someone who is making a living from being online, sharing stuff online, and getting work from doing work and sharing it on the worldwide web… THIS IS SUICIDE!

Continue reading “Zalabye; Fried Dough for Epiphany”

Malateet (Palestinian Vegan Anise Cookies)

Malateet Recipe - Cookin5m2-3Malateet Recipe - Cookin5m2-5

Mom and I cooked for a Palestinian brunch for a second time and we served another bunch of happy customers. There’s nothing more pleasing than people with happy faces after sharing a wonderful meal that is filling, healthy (sort of) and flavorful.

Malateet Recipe - Cookin5m2-7 Malateet Recipe - Cookin5m2-8 Continue reading “Malateet (Palestinian Vegan Anise Cookies)”

A Special Palestinian Brunch and Delicious Labneh with Vegetables

Palestinian brunch at motto-me In case you have been following my Facebook page (which you should –> you might have known about my new big announcement. Cookin5m2 was cooking in another kitchen and making food for people other than my family. My mom and I were cooking at Mòtto and had prepared a special Palestinian brunch with exceptional recipes that wowed everyone. THE PLACE WAS FULLY, if not over, BOOKED!

Palestinian brunch at motto
Kaak asfar, Labneh with vegetables and tomato salad

image Continue reading “A Special Palestinian Brunch and Delicious Labneh with Vegetables”

Not Fattouch. Leave Tabbouleh Alone

Now that you’ve had your rage with the #Fattouch / #FatDouche case which turned up to a dead end, let me unleash my rage against something more important and deserves blocking roads, burning flags, demonstrations, protests and some vegetables chopping. TABBOULEH! (i have to note the sarcastic tone, because sometimes things are only funny in my head)
I am a Tabbouleh extremist. It kills me to watch a chef massacring what he/she claims to be the real tabbouleh from the middle east (and I will not specify the country of origin because that’s a whole different debate)
Authentic Tabbouleh Recipe - cookin5m2-4

Continue reading “Not Fattouch. Leave Tabbouleh Alone”